Gretta Vedler: Model Who Branded Putin ‘a psychopath’ Found Dead In Suitcase

Gretta Vedler: Model Who Branded Putin ‘a psychopath’ Found Dead In Suitcase

Gretta Vedler, a Russian model, recently accused Putin of being a psychopath on social media. Her body has now been discovered in the luggage, dead.

Vedler was assassinated a month after criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin on social media, which is why her name has resurfaced. Her body has been missing for several days, and cops are looking for her. It took a year for her body to be discovered. 

However, the death is unrelated to Putin, and Vedler's killer may be identified thanks to a recent confession.

Her ex-boyfriend, 23-year-old Dmitry Korovin, admitted to the killing. Korovin informed authorities that he slept in a hotel room with her body, which was packed in a recently purchased suitcase, for three nights. The man then hid her body for a year in the trunk.

Korovin allegedly told detectives that he continued to post on her social media profiles to give the impression that she was still alive.

It wasn't until Gretta Vedler's friend Evgeniy Foster became suspicious and contacted a friend in Moscow to file a missing person report that her body was discovered.

What Did Gretta Say About Putin?

According to The Mirror, Vedler criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin on social media in January 2021, a month before her assassination, for his efforts to "improve the integrity of Russia."

Her political opinions are claimed to be unrelated to the homicide, and her words are not linked to her death.

Gretta Vedler was said to be concerned about Putin's repression of protesters and his aim to build a larger Russia.

The model wrote on the internet about Putin saying:

“I can only assume, in my opinion, clear psychopathy or sociopathy is seen in him.”

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