John Lowe II Predator In The Name Of Pastor | His Son Jeremiah Lowe Is No Less Than His Father

John Lowe II Predator In The Name Of Pastor | His Son Jeremiah Lowe Is No Less Than His Father

A 65-year-old Indiana church pastor John Lowe II at New Life Christian Church World Outreach in Warsaw, Indiana, told his audience that he committed adultery about 20 years ago and that it was a sin. 

“I committed adultery. It was nearly 20 years ago.”

“To say it plainly, I didn’t make a mistake, I didn’t have an issue, I didn’t have an affair, I didn’t make a misjudgment — I sinned. I need to say that, and you deserve to hear it.”

With "no solid justification" as to why it took him so long to come clean, the pastor begged the church for forgiveness for the "deep pain" he claimed he had created.

“If I could go back and redo it all, I would. I can’t. All I can do is ask you to forgive me,” Lowe said from the podium.   

He added, “To my wife and family, who I deeply hurt, I have confessed my sin, and they have graciously forgiven me and expressed their love to me.”

A wave of applause from the audience followed his announcement that he was leaving the ministry.

However, to his surprise, his sugary words turned against him. A woman (Bobi Gephart), now in her 40s, and a man who claimed to be her spouse both approached the microphone. 

She said, “For 27 years I lived in a prison. It was not 20 years … I was just 16 when you took my virginity on your office floor. Do you remember that? I know you do.”

“I lived in a prison of lies and pain. Lying to protect the Lowe family. I thought I was a horrible person having suicidal thoughts, not realizing what had truly been done to me.”

She further added saying, “The church deserves to know the truth. This church has been built on lies, but no more. The lies need to stop.”

She claimed that her older brother had confronted her about seeing her lying in bed with their pastor as a teenager while only wearing a T-shirt and underwear.

In an interview with last week, Wolfe recalled the moment he saw his younger sister in bed with Lowe.

Her brother said, 'He was shirtless and she was in underwear and a t-shirt,' said Wolfe, who was 16 at the time.

'I looked puzzled so he said, she just came in to say good morning and it was cold. They were in bed under a duvet and his wife was gone. And it was early.

'I was trying to think it through. In my innocence, I believed what he said. And I thought we're family, he wouldn't do anything, he's our pastor and I'll trust it.

'Bobi is about 18 months younger than me so she would have been either 14 or 15 at the time. In my young mind I thought, it's a good thing nobody else saw this or they would call the cops, and they wouldn't even know that it was innocent.'


Watch. Listen. This is the truth. This is what the church stopped streaming for their live video. This is my family. Posted by Maisey Cook on Sunday, May 22, 2022

Who Is John Lowe II?

John Lowe who is currently 65 years old, led the Church as a pastor for virtually a number of decades.

John Lowe II has been married to his partner Debra, a co-pastor for better than 45 years. 

John Lowe II Predator In The Name Of Pastor | His Son Jeremiah Lowe Is No Less Than His Father
John Lowe and his wife Debra.

Son Jeremiah Lowe Is Sexual Abuser

John Lowe II Predator In The Name Of Pastor | His Son Jeremiah Lowe Is No Less Than His Father

As is turns out his father John Lowe is not only the sexual abuser so is he!

According to an ex-wife of Jeremiah Lowe, the son of accused Pastor John B. Lowe II, Lowe was cruel to her during their marriage and even killed one of her dogs.

The woman said, “Since other brave men and women have come forward with their stories, I am coming forward with a little more of mine.”

Along with her story, the woman uploaded a photo of herself online.

“What you can’t see behind that smile was that my life was an absolute living hell,” she wrote. “What you can’t see is that on numerous occasions, I thought this was going to be it for me, the walls of that dumpy trailer were going to be the last thing I saw as I finally suffered for the last time at the hands of my abuser.

“What you can’t see is the fear I lived in every day, not knowing what would set him off or if that day would be a day I could just breathe for a moment. What you can’t hear is the sound of items being thrown or broken, the sounds of my abuser screaming at me and calling me horrible names, the sound of me crying, being drug down the hall by my hair, and pleading with him to just stop.”

She also said Jeremiah beat one of her dogs to death and took their second dog in their divorce.

She said Jeremiah’s parents were not concerned about her and knew some of what was happening in their marriage, but “nothing changed.”

“I was manipulated with the Bible and constantly reminded that with God, all things are possible.”

She was the second woman to come forward to allege that Jeremiah Lowe abused her. 

The first woman who accused Jeremiah was Jessi Kline. She posted her story on her Facebook. 

John Lowe II Predator In The Name Of Pastor | His Son Jeremiah Lowe Is No Less Than His Father

John Lowe II Predator In The Name Of Pastor | His Son Jeremiah Lowe Is No Less Than His Father

Koshish KC
Koshish KC

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