Thomas Petrou & Tabitha Swatosh Of Hype House Got Into A Fight With A Grown Couple | Detail Explained

Thomas Petrou & Tabitha Swatosh Of Hype House Got Into A Fight With A Grown Couple | Detail Explained

After an adult couple threw rocks at his car, Thomas Petrou got into a confrontation with them.

The Hype House founder took a selfie in front of a police cruiser on Sunday, May 15, 2022, and shared it on Instagram.

He wrote in the caption saying,

“Got in a fight tonight because some 40-year-old insecure man can’t accept young people being successful. #hypehouse I won, don’t worry.”

The TikTok Insiders Instagram account shared a screenshot of his post. Petrou and Tabitha Swatosh, a fellow Hype House member, confirmed what transpired that night in the comments section.

A mature couple threw rocks at Petrou's car and then dragged Swatosh to the ground, according to Petrou. They tried to press him after that. He choked the man out in an attempt to fight back.

Swatosh expanded on this as she wrote,

“We were enjoying dinner with my PARENTS. A woman threw stuff at Thomas’s car. Then the drunk woman and her boyfriend started threatening Mia and I.”

The woman then pushed Swatosh to the ground, where her boyfriend leaped on top of her and choked her.

Swatosh added,

And Thomas drug him off (his story to tell) protecting me. The police handled the rest. ALL because they ‘hated us hype house kids’ lol kids.”

Petrou went on to modify and completely change his initial caption after making his post. He first wrote in the new caption,

“Edit: now that I’m not as frustrated. A grown couple threw rocks at my car and then dragged Tabitha to the ground.”
“And I choked the guy off of them and separated the fight. Jealous drunk people are the worst,” he added.

Swatosh also left a remark on his post, saying,

“EDIT: Thomas also protected Mia & I bc a woman ATTACKED us & drug me to the groud :)) #hype thanks for saving us fr.”

 Petrou’s girlfriend Mia Hayward also commented saying,

“As well as a lady twice my size decided to try to fight me because she was drunk and Tabitha came to tell the girl not to touch me so she grabbed her instead.”

The Hype House founder took a selfie in front of a police cruiser on Sunday, May 15, 2022, and shared it on Instagram.

Several concerned TikTok followers had also posted in the comments area. One person wrote,

“Wtf is wrong with people?? I hope you guys are alright! Especially Tabitha.”

Another fan commented saying,

“Glad you guys stood your ground! Terrible to see jealousy in the world when we should all either: A. mind our business or B. support &/or be happy for one another. Glad you all are okay!!” 

In addition, one user wrote,

“Those type of people are just jealous ;( you’re awesome Thomas don’t let that guy ruin your day.”

Everything appears to be fine at the moment, and as Swatosh indicated, the cops handled the situation.

Koshish KC
Koshish KC

Specializes in researching trending real-time news and data of distinguished personalities, and composing innovative text based on the subject.